Longfellow Elementary School
Longfellow Elementary School is 3rd out of the 4 Schools built as part of the Rochester Referendum with an overall project cost of $32 million dollars. Unlike any of the other schools in Rochester, Longfellow is a 45-15 school serving approximately 750 students in grade K-5. This project consisted of the demolition and removal of an existing single-story Elementary School and the construction of a new 100,496 GSF Elementary School located right behind the existing school in Southeast Rochester. Given that the new school was being built next door, students and staff were able to take “field trips” to explore and get a feel for what the next school year would look like in their new and improved school. A “Break the Brick” ceremony was also held to allow students to celebrate the demolition of their existing building and learn about the construction of the new one.
The new site offers advanced communication systems in every hallway and classroom, a commercial kitchen, exposed natural light all throughout, and a brand-new traffic light placed on the north side of the school to ensure mobility and safety for all students, staff, and parents.
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