
Mankato East High School

Mankato Public Schools
ISG Architects
General Contractor
Mankato, Minnesota
125,000 sq. ft.

The Mankato East High School Renovation project was a $11.3 million-dollar project that consisted of 5 phases that were completed over a 15-month span. Construction activities remained active while the building was occupied by staff and students throughout the 2016-2017 school year, as well as during both summers before and after. The renovations included state of the art Classrooms, Science Rooms, Labs, Health Science (nursing), Media Center, Administrative, Special Needs, Commons and Flex Areas. There were also upgrades to the Electrical Gear, HVAC and Building Automation Systems as well as bringing the remodeled areas up to current fire code. Exterior improvements included replacement of the existing curtain walls and the addition of 47 windows to the building; the existing structure did not have any class room windows.

Our team’s ability to pre-plan and communicate daily with the District/User Groups and Architect enabled our construction team to execute approximately 125,000 square feet of demolition and remodel. A key success with this project was that we were to improve the Phase 4 completion date from May 26, 2017 to February 24, 2017. This allowed the District/User Groups to occupy the newly remodeled areas much sooner than anticipated and for our construction team to get a 3-month head start on select areas of Phase 5.