
University of Minnesota Vet Med Small Animal Wellness Clinic

01 06
University of Minnesota
Construction Manager
St. Paul, Minnesota
8,800 sq. ft.

Drastic changes in demand for veterinary services are requiring veterinarians to be more focused on preventative health care. These are the principles best researched, employed, and taught in a general practice environment. As a result, the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges and the American Veterinary Medical Association asked schools to increase the amount of clinical teaching they provide in a general practice environment. In response to this shift, the hospital implemented a pre-paid animal wellness plan (UPet) for students and employees of the college in 2011. The program has proven popular with rapid growth in the number of patient visits per year.

To fill the need, a renovation of the current unused space in the Veterinary Medical Center was required. Updates to the facility include new exam, general practice and treatment rooms, which required the demolition of existing walls as well as new construction (HVAC, lighting, flooring, ceilings).